b'S u n d ayB r e a k fa S t S piritedS iSterSB ookc luBOctober returned to us a nourishing Sunday morningTheSpiritedSistersBookClubevolvedoutofthe practice:breakfast.Thebreakfastcrew,inexpertandSpirited Sisters meetings. Beginning in 2021, the club boisterous,gatheredagaintoprovideitsundeviatingbeganmeetingmonthly,firstviaZoomandthenin menuofeggs,potatoes,bacon,sausage,grits,bakedhomes.Thegroupmakesitsownchoicesaboutthe applesandbiscuitstoparishionersgoingabouttheirbooks they read, and have included James Baldwins Go Sunday morning activities. For many, sharing breakfastTell it on the Mountain, Edith Whartons The Custom with fellow parishioners is a component of the spiritualoftheCountry,S.A.CosbysBlacktopWastelandand journey, and the menu items afford quick calories toRachel Kadishs The Weight of Ink.The group meets on those who may have journeyed more than anticipatedthe third Tuesday of each month at 4:30pm. ortothosewhowanttojourneymoreaggressively.Contacts: We begin at 9:00am and serve until 10:00am, but areMary Ann Blankenship - mablankenship625@gmail.com or paused at present. We expect to continue as soon as theJudy Carlson - judithmcarlson@gmail.comhealth protocols permit. Contact:David Hetherington - d_hetherington@yahoo.com M o n t h lyy o u t he v e n t SS pi r i t e d S i S t e r S Once a month we gather up in a big way to connect with youth and their families. During this season our TheSpiritedSistersgettogetherat5:30pmonthemonthly events are running parallel to our confirmation secondMondayofeachmonthforconversationandretreats, where for a few hours of each retreat we invite fellowship, and have been doing so every month sinceall youth to join in the fun for some games, fellowship March of 2017. The group usually meets at a restaurantandachancetorefreshorgetasneakpeakofthe convenienttothemembers,andenjoysaDutchconfirmation process. The next events are March 19 at treat meal and beverage. There are twenty people onthe Roslyn retreat center from 2:30pm - 4:00pm and our mailing list, and attendance usually varies from aApril 10 from 12:00pm - 2:00pm at GHTC.half dozen to more than a dozen people. During theContact: Kyle Bomar - kbomar@ghtc.orgpandemic, the group hosted some meetings via Zoom, and plans to continue meeting, in person or virtually, through the coming year.Contact:Cathy Saunders - cathy.saunders@longandfoster.comoutreachr e dd o o rM i n i S t ry( Fr i d a y s )Volunteer on Fridays from 9:30am until 2:00pm with theRedDoorMinistry.RedDooroffersmealsand clothing to people in need. Contact: Molly Howle - maryrhowle@gmail.comLENT & HOLY WEEK 2022 | 7'