b'w hat co nf irma tionme a n s to m eMaurice Cole came to GHTC when he and his wife Debra, already a parishioner here, got married. He was one of the adult confirmands this year, and this is some of what he wrote to us afterwards.[My confirmation] has prompted me to review my faithIn our initial session, the question Where is God? was asked. There were many answers. God is with usin our mind, our body and spiritand God is all around us. [ItThe prayer was a] reminder that God is with us daily, to guide us in our lives. book we About three years ago, my wife was diagnosed with breast cancer. The doctor advised us that [she]would need chemotherapy. He asked, Are youread from Christians? and ifit was okay to pray with us. We said, Yes.We prayed together right there in his office. We had never experienced prayer with a physicianeach Sunday in his office [after a] diagnosis. provides the This Church provides support for our beliefin and relationship with God. The prayer book we read from each Sunday provides the foundation ofour faithfoundation ofThe people provide fellowship and support. I look forward to our continuing relationship. our faithWe thank Maurice for sharing this story with us. He and Debra add so much life to our congregation, and we are grateful for the warmth of their presence and their great good humor.S P E CIA L WORSH IP O P PO RT U NIT IE Ssu nday e vening serv ice s r e s umeThe 5:00 p.m. Sunday evening services, which were paused during the summer, will resume on September 11 th .Get Ready c hil d r e ns c ha p e lCalendar On Sunday mornings at 10:15 a.m., children in pre-K4 through fifth grade are invited to join in Childrens Chapel. This service is based in Episcopal liturgy Psalm and designed for childrens developing needs. The children hear a portion of Scripture the readings their parents hear in the big church, and sing a hymn together. After the shortened liturgy, we tell a Bible story drawn from a specialized Sing curriculum, and have time for the children to work through what they have heard. Then the children share in a lesser feast of goldfish crackers or the Saint of the Day like, after which they return to their families for the feast of the Eucharist. Work Time Each Sunday morning is filled with play, learning, wonder, and fellowship, led by Mrs. Kate Given and our fearless assistant, Ms. Emily Illicete. If you Prayer have a child or grandchild in this age group, we invite them to worship with us. Feast Contact: Kate Givenkgiven@ghtc.orgChildrens Chapel Visual ScheduleFALL 2022 | 5'