b'R E C T O RS M E S S A G EIn some ways, I feel as if I only just arrived at Grace & Holy Trinity Church. In other ways, I feel like Ive been Rector for a decade. A year ago, I first came to my office and was greeted by an empty building. The staff and congregation had not gathered in the space in almost a year. Over the course of twelve months, we have all worked together and moved GHTC forward, beyond where we were before the pandemic. While its been an audacious task, I have TABLE OF CONTENTS enjoyed serving alongside you.The 2021 Annual Report is full of joy and hope for Rectors Message2 our future. We have significantly expanded our music and education budgets. The Vestry discerned a clear A Visit with the Rector3 focus for our parish around Worship, Education, Community (In-reach), and Outreach. I want to Vestry Report4 thank you all for all your prayers and support. I also wish to thank The Rev. Kimberly Reinholz for her Worship4-5 six years of dedicated service. And I would also be remiss if I didnt thank our wardens Barbara Derry Education6-7 and Jodie Pully. Without their insight and support, we would not have achieved all we did this year. I Outreach8 could not have asked for better first wardens or a better first Vestry as I begin what I pray will be a Community9-10 long service here at GHTC.Administration11-122021 Annual Meeting Minutes13Almighty and everliving God, ruler of all things in heaven and earth, hear our prayers for this parish family. Strengthen the faithful, arouse the careless, and restore the penitent. Grant us all things necessary for our common life, and bring us all to be of one heart and mind within your holy Church; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.- The Book of Common Prayer, 1979, p. 8172 | ANNUAL REPORT'