b'ALTAR GUILD The Altar Guild prepares the church for each service, including baptisms, weddings, and funerals, by setting the altar for communion, marking the lessons, and arranging flowers.The Guild includes approximately twenty members serving on five active teams.The schedule is rotated yearly so that each team gains experience with different services and celebrations.This year required reorganizing and pivoting as COVID protocols changed, often on the fly, and every member of the Guild handled those demands with seamless competence and grace. We are now back to arranging memorial flowers each week, for which Catherine PerrinOn the first Sunday of Advent, a blue altar set was used for the has graciously accepted leadership. During a brief training sessionfirst time. The set was donated in memory of Charlotte Scottie this fall, the Guild gained five new members.And finally, we receivedDeShazo, former member of the Altar Guild who died in 2021, by and installed beautiful new altar hangings for the season of Advent,her husband, Dr. Bill DeShazo, family, and friends. The beautiful set designed and produced by our own Leslie Winn and Ivy Austin. was designed and made by parishioners Leslie Winn and Ivy Austin.Contact: Jean Jumetjean.jumet@gmail.com Flowers: Catherine Perrincatherineperrin@comcast.netREADERS One noticeable benefit of 2021s combined 10:30 a.m. service on Sundays has been that all the generations of our membership are worshipping together. The voices of all those generations are beginning to be heard more often at the lectern, and their variety enriches the messages we hear. Sundays 8:00 a.m. service is handled by Andrew Peacock and his crew, and we all pitch in for special services as needed.We are most grateful for the commitment demonstrated by the lectors, and the seriousness they bring to the preparation and delivery of the assigned readings every week. New readers are always encouraged to join the roster. We are happy to answer any questions about whats required, and to help those who may be eager but uncertain.Contact: Ann Norvell Graynorvellgray@gmail.comUSHERS Now, smile with your eyes!Thats what an elementary school teacher at St. Andrews School encouraged her masked students to do.Not even a mask can conceal a genuine smile.It lights up the eyes and makes those around feel loved and welcomed.When thinking about ushering, I think about those words. Every Sunday at 10:30 a.m., ushers welcome family, friends, and visitors into our beautiful church.We hand out programs, pass the plates during offertory, and are available to help where needed. Anyone with an interest in serving in this way is always encouraged to serve. No training necessaryjust remember to smile with your eyes! Contact: Clay Hilbertclay@aowealth.comANNUAL REPORT | 5'