b'VESTRY REPORTThe Vestry began and ended 2021 meeting monthly by Zoom. In light of the requirements for masking and social distancing in the church building, we found Zoom meetings preferable for several reasons. We can see each others faces and members can join remotely when they are out of town or even from the car if anyone is on the road. Although we look forward to the day we can meet in person at the church once again, we have had a very productive year nonetheless.We welcomed our new Rector in January and under his guidance we began the work of defining the foundation of Grace and Holy Trinity Church and of identifying the pillars that grow out of this foundation and support the ministry of this Church. We worked through this process in four mini retreats throughout the summer. We have defined the foundation of Grace & Holy Trinity Church as lovelove of God and love of our neighbor according to Jesuss summary of the law as set forth in Matthew 22:36-40. We are called to share the love of GodFather, Son, and Holy Spiritand the love of one another with each other and the community. From this foundation we identified four pillars around which our church programs and ministries are to be shaped. These are: Worship, Christian Formation, Outreach, and Church Community/Fellowship. Our next step was to begin setting ministry priorities. Our first priority was Christian Formation.To that end, we committed to funding two Christian Education positionsa Youth and Adult Formation Minister and a Children and Young Families Minister. We also under-took a much-needed renovation of the second floor classrooms and nursery space in a little over six weeks and we were able to start back in September with renewed energy and purpose.Another new focus for the Vestry this year was conducting the Every Member Canvass. Guided by Jodie Pully, each Vestry member made personal contact with parishioners between October 10 and November 7 and followed up as necessary. We are extremely gratified by the positive response and by the congregational support for our new Rector and our church programs throughout 2021. Submitted by Barbara Derry, Senior Warden; and Jodie Pully, Junior Warden worshipMUSICThis year has been rich with worship services and special musicthe Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols was led by the adult choir, programs. In September, the GHTC Music Ministry collaboratedand included flute and harp. with the VCU Campus Ministry in the Blessed Burleigh weekend showcasing the work of Harry Thacker Burleigh and other AfricanWe are grateful to the generous pledges for 2022 that allow us to American composers.Highlights included a lecture by Dr. Paulexpand our musical offering. We welcome soprano section leaders Kwami, a community sing in Monroe Park led by Dr. Erin Freeman,Keely Borland and Caroline Whisnant, assistant soprano section a Sunday service focused on this music, and an Audio Divina serviceleader/childrens choir assistant Caroline Guske, and assistant bass led by Dr. Lisa Edwards-Burrs. section leader Zack Frank. We are very blessed by the excellent musical leadership of our section leaders, including bass section leader Chase The adult choir led the music at the GHTC All Saints Choral Evensong,Peak and tenor section leader James Taylor, whose musical gifts enrich including an excellent organ concert from Cheryl Van Ornam and Markour services and special programs. Special thanks to assistant organist Koontz. Caroling in the Park assembled more than 350 people, andMark Koontz, childrens choir director Abigail Stinnett, and to our included participating choirs RVA Street Singers, Hood Temple A.M.E.adult and childrens choirs, staff, and congregation for their support Zion Churchs Voices of Zion Choir, Greater Richmond Childrensof the music ministry. Choir, and Grace & Holy Trinity vocal ensemble. On Christmas Eve, Contact: Dr. Elizabeth Melcher Davisemelcherdavis@ghtc.org4 | ANNUAL REPORT'