b'agendaAnnual Parish MeetingFebruary 19, 20239:30am Welcome and Call to Order: The Rev. Duane Nettles9:31am Opening Prayer9:32am Appointment of Meeting Register: Mary Ann Blankenship9:33am Determination of a Quorum: Register9:34am Adoption of Agenda9:35am Approval of the Vestry Election Procedures9:40am Nominating Committee Report9:43am Election of Vestry (polls open until 9:55am )9:45am Approval of the Minutes of the Previous Meeting: February 6th, 20229:47am Finance Committee Chair: Mike Joyce 9:52am Endowment Trustees President: Nelson Lankford9:57am Senior Warden: Jodie Pully10:05am Rector: The Rev. Duane Nettles10:10am Announcement of Election Results10:12am Questions & Answers10:20am Closing Prayer & Adjournment*If additional time is needed, the Rector and Wardens will be available following the Mardi Gras Brunch to answer any questions.Palms & Ponies Procession 4 | ANNUAL REPORT 2022 in Monroe Park'