b'there was little staff presence in the building dueAnnouncement of Election Resultsto COVID considerations, proved to be helpfulTodd Pawson announced the election results. The in a way, in allowing Duane to settle in as Rector.four persons elected to the Vestry Class of 2025 were The growth in pledge support of the Church fromMary Ann Blankenship, Meredith McGuire, Dan 2020 to 2022 has been gratifying. Duane notedMcNamara and Fielding Williams.that Sunday attendance has been growing. DuaneClosing Prayersummarized his current goals for GHTC as growingThe Rev. Duane Nettles led the congregation in the the congregation, making sure that newcomersLords Prayer to close the meeting.feel welcome and finding new ways to engage new members in the work of the Church. AdjournmentDuane thanked the staff, the Vestry and JuniorAt 12:30 p.m., the 2022 Annual Meeting of Grace & Warden, Jodie Pully, for their efforts put forth inHoly Trinity Church was adjourned.2021. Finally, Duane thanked Ann Norvell Gray, Glenice Coombs, and others who assisted in puttingSubmitted by Glenn Moore, Registertogether the 2021 Annual Report.vestryreportSubmitted by Jodie Pully, Senior Warden, and David Lewis, Junior WardenWe celebrated our Rectors long overdue Induction with a fabulous reception in the spring. During the summer, we welcomed our Associate Rector, The Rev. Paul Evans and his wife Molly, as well as our Assistant Choirmaster and Organist, Sean McDonald. We are most grateful for the fruits of their labor.A Policy Committee consisting of Mary Ann Blankenship, Brad Davenport, and Fielding Williams was developed. The purpose of this committee is to review current committees, create new ones, and the writing and reviewing of policies and procedures for the Church.We discussed and agreed on the need for projects to repair, maintain, and improve our physical plant; and we are already seeing the improvements.All are thrilled with the enthusiasm we see among parishioners on Sunday mornings, and the increase in parishioner involvement in the life of the church. We are particularly excited to see the growing number of children in attendance.The Vestry is responsible for conducting our Annual Pledge Drive. Each member had responsibilities and participated wholeheartedly. We appreciate staff members Judy Bowman, Tyler Brady, and Kyle Reed for their work on the Pledge Drive. Every pledge made is appreciated and shows our individual commitment to God, support for our church, our programs, and each other.ANNUAL REPORT 2022 | 7'