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Jobs at GHTC

Last Updated: Wednesday, September 25th, 2024

Associate Priest Position (Part-time)

PART TIME | Grace & Holy Trinity Church, Richmond, VA

Job Description

Division of focus areas will be 50% clergy duties and 50% Pastoral Care leadership. The clergy duties will include the following in the 15 hours per week:
-Share in leading worship, preaching, and the administration of the sacraments with the Priest in Charge, and the other clergy;
-Share in the pastoral care of the congregation;
-Share in planning, organization and visioning for the Staff Team and Parish Members.

Pastoral Care

Pastoral Care will be shared by all the clergy. This position will oversee visit schedules, working with the other clergy and our parish administrator. This role will also help us to build up lay leadership to share in our Pastoral Care as a parish. This will include training Lay Eucharistic Visitors, starting a flower delivery ministry, and lifting up our sick in prayers.

Church Overview

We are a warm, vibrant, downtown church, with 328 parishioners in Good Standing from all over the greater Richmond residential areas and from widely differing professional and economic backgrounds. As the city has grown and diversified, our own families have grown and changed with it. Our community of faith is rooted in worship, through which we express our love of God, each other, and our neighbors. Our Average Sunday Attendance is 183 with two services. We are blessed with a long tradition of excellence in music, enriching the services.

The church stands squarely across from Monroe Park, is surrounded by Virginia Commonwealth University and the city’s diverse residential Fan District. The church seeks pastoral gifts to care for those who are in need of healing and continual care. In addition to sharing in some clergy duties, the Associate Priest would support ongoing Pastoral Care ministries and enhance this important ministry area in new ways by empowering the laity.

Today and Tomorrow

We feel blessed to have relatively new young staff members who are eager to serve. This talented group welcomes more clergy partnership and leadership. The new Priest-in-Charge, Father Brent, is looking for other ministerial collaborators to help bring the staff, church, and community partners together to develop a vision further and to provide leadership to support and guide it. Our priests are visible messengers; we expect them to help us communicate clearly and frequently about the mission of this parish, the programs we offer, and our direction as a faith community.

To apply please submit the following via email to bmelton@ghtc.org: Cover letter, OTM Profile, resume, two sermons (audio/video links preferred). Applications will be accepted until October 2,2024.


Email: The Rev. Brent A. Melton, bmelton@ghtc.org

Website: ghtc.org  

Phone: (804) 359-5628

“Come Holy Spirit. Open our ears to hear your quiet whispers, our eyes to see clearly the challenges and possibilities before us, and our hearts to feel your loving presence. Guide us in this search process so that we may seek to do your will. Give us the mind of Christ. Bestow upon us the gifts we need to do the task that has been set before us. Hear our prayers, O God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.”