Prayer List & Request
Names may only be added to the Prayer List with the explicit consent of the recipient. All names in italics were added to the prayer list this past week. In order to keep the Prayer List current and to facilitate the intentionality and mindfulness with which we pray, we print names on the Prayer List for three months or less. If you would like for someone to remain on the list for more (or less) time, please call the office at (804) 359-5628 or visit and select Lauren Frazier from the drop down menu.
Parish Prayer List
The week of February 9, 2025
For those with recent illnesses, we pray for Suzanne Davenport, Sylvia May, Janet McFall, and Louann Sciortino.
Gracious God we pray for our three active search processes. Guide us towards our next Director of Youth and Children Formation, Assistant Organist and Assistant Priest. Help us to do your will for our children and youth, outreach, communication and music ministries. Empower the leaders who help to search and those who seek, so to find ministry matches so we can do even greater ministry together in our church walls and beyond.
For those recently married, especially Walker Mason & CiCi Fortson.
For those who have died, especially Crandall Thompson.
For our mission ministries and partners: Red Door Ministry, serving those who are food insecure; Circles RVA and those working towards financial stability; the people of Belize; the staff and families of St. Andrew’s School; and the Pace Center, our Covenant Partner for Campus Ministry with Virginia Commonwealth University.
For those serving in the Military or Diplomatic Service, especially Drew Williams.
For those affected by gun violence, for racial reconciliation and healing, and peace in the world. For our Country, the Commonwealth of Virginia, the City of Richmond and surrounding counties, and Virginia Commonwealth University.
We invite you to lift up these people and ministries in your additional prayers.
The following names are those listed beyond three months ago and welcome your continued prayers.
Pray for the Bomar Family, Lily Allen, Sophie Bergman, Madeleine Benson, Harry Bowman, Steve Bowman, Donna Campbell, David Carter, Debbie, Caswell Cooke, Mary Cooke, Mike Estes, Dan Foster, Wendy Funk, Eric Martin, Grace, Ruth Jackl, Judy, Doug Smith, Sibyl Telfian, Langdon Tollett, John Wick.
In the Anglican Cycle of Prayer, we pray for The Anglican Church of Australia
In the Diocesan Cycle of Prayer, we pray for St. George’s-Arlington, St. Margaret’s-Woodbridge, St. Peter’s-Richmond