Posted: April 18 2024
News for Sunday, April 21, 2024

Upcoming Events
04/19 5:00 p.m. Parents’ Night Out: Pentecost (Church & Brambly Park)
04/20 9:00 a.m. Episcopal Church Women – Diocesan Meeting (St. Philip’s Episcopal Church)
04/27 10:00 a.m. Men’s Group Coffee (Ellwood Thompson’s)
04/28 10:30 a.m. Bishop’s Visitation for Confirmation, Reception, and Reaffirmation (Church)*
05/01 4:00 p.m. ECW Afternoon Tea (Parish Hall)
05/05 10:30 a.m. Children & Youth Sunday (Church)
05/05 1:00 p.m. Sunday Funday & Children & Youth Mission Project (Church)
05/12 10:30 a.m. Senior Recognition Sunday (Church)
05/19 Day of Pentecost
*One Service Only
Save The Date
05/26 End of the Program Year
05/27 Office Closed for Memorial Day
06/02 10:30 a.m. Centennial Celebration (Church)*
*One Service Only
Sunday Bulletins are posted by Friday at
Centennial Celebration: Call for Photos
Please submit your photos from weddings, baptisms, and confirmations in the Sanctuary, from Sunday, April 7th through Sunday, May 12th to display at our Centennial Celebration. During the weekdays, please drop off your photos at the Communications Office on the second floor of the Parish House. On Sundays, you may drop off your photos with a Centennial Committee Member collecting them in the Parish Hall. You may also submit digital photos of other ministry moments by sending them to communications [at]
Priest-in-Charge Discernment Committee Update
The Discernment Committee thanks parishioners for their patience and prayers during the selection process for a new Priest in Charge. They have vetted candidates through written applications, Zoom interviews, and in-person visits, and anticipate presenting their recommendation to the Vestry by late April or early May. Read the full letter written by Clay Hilbert, Chairperson of the Priest-in-Charge Discernment Committee.
Parents’ Night Out – Friday, April 19
A reminder for those who have signed up: Parents’ Night Out is tonight, April 19th. Children will enjoy fun and fellowship based around the theme of Pentecost. The parents will gather for happy hour at Brambly Park in Scott’s Addition. Please drop off your children at the church at 5:00 p.m. and pick them up by 9:30 p.m. Questions? Visit our website at and select Kate Given from the drop down menu.
Episcopal Church Women: Afternoon Tea – Wednesday, May 1
The Episcopal Church Women (ECW) of GHTC will host an afternoon tea in the Parish Hall on Wednesday, May 1st from 4:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. All are welcome to attend, and you can arrive anytime between 4:00 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. Please RSVP no later than Sunday, April 28th. Questions or want to RSVP? Visit our website at and select Episcopal Church Women from the drop down menu.
GHTC Scholarship Grant Applications Open
Through the Grace and Holy Trinity Endowment Fund and the Mason Memorial Fund, GHTC provides need-based scholarships to active members of the Parish. The funds are administered through the Scholarship Committee chaired by Billy McGuire. Applications are due on Sunday, May 5th. To learn more about applying for a scholarship, visit our website at and select Scholarship Committee from the drop down menu.
Sunday Funday & Children & Youth Mission Project – Sunday, May 5
On Sunday, May 5th, Children and Youth are invited to participate in a Sunday Funday and mission project at the church. A game truck will be at the church, and the children and youth will take turns enjoying the game truck parked outside and helping with the mission project inside. Please register online here as soon as you are able. For more information, please contact Laura Lee by visiting our website at and selecting Youth Events from the drop down menu.
Senior Recognition Sunday – Sunday, May 12
All high school seniors are invited to the 10:30 a.m. service on Sunday, May 12th to be recognized. All seniors will be invited to come forward at “The Peace” to receive a gift to support them in their next chapter.
Adult Formation Sunday Series – Upcoming Offerings
Discover meaningful insights and deepen your faith with engaging presentations and conversations as part of the Adult Formation Sunday Series. This Sunday, Mary Cay Kollmansperger will give an update on the Belize Mission Team. Coming up, the forum will explore the following topics:
04/21 “Belize Mission Team Update” led by Mary Cay Kollmansperger
04/28 Bishop’s Visit | No Adult Formation
05/05 “Centennial Celebration Kickoff: Stories From our Past” led by Parishioners
05/12 “The Church Mothers” led by The Rev. Charles Joy
05/19 “Moving Forward Together” led by The Rev. Shirley Smith Graham,
Transition Minister of The Episcopal Diocese of Virginia
Parish Life
Men’s Group Coffee – Saturday, April 27
The Men’s Group will meet at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, April 27th, at Ellwood Thompson’s in Carytown. For more information, please visit our website at and select Men’s Group from the drop down menu.
Other Communications
Whom do I contact for…?
If you have a question or need to contact GHTC, please use the following email addresses and their respective subjects to help direct you to the correct staff member(s):
Worship (including Holy Baptism and Marriage) & Mission Questions | The Rev. Greg Bezilla
Communications Questions | The Rev. Paul Evans
Adult Formation Questions | The Rev. Paul Evans
Children and Youth Formation Questions | Kate Given
Pastoral Care Questions (Including the Rite of Reconciliation) | The Rev. Stephen McGehee
Music Questions | Dr. Elizabeth Melcher Davis
Paying Your Pledge Questions | Judy Bowman
Property & Church Records Questions | Lauren Frazier
Vestry Questions | Meredith McGuire
For questions outside of these subjects please visit or call (804) 359-5268.
Pastoral Care
Grace & Holy Trinity is committed to providing spiritual guidance, support, and a compassionate presence to all in times of need or spiritual growth. If you would like to speak with the clergy, please email pastoralcare [at] or call the Parish Office at (804) 359-5628.
Update Your Information in Shelby (Church Directory)
Please take a moment to log into the church’s database and confirm or update your contact information. The church utilizes the address on file to mail parish communications such as newsletters, postcards, and financial statements. Visit our website at to log in. Questions? Please contact Kyle Reed. If you need assistance with your password, please contact Judy Bowman. Visit
Please Wear Your Name Tags
This is a gentle reminder to please wear your name tags when you come to church. Grace & Holy Trinity is fortunate to have visitors and new parishioners joining us each week. Wearing your nametag is an important part of our hospitality to all and a visible reminder to newcomers and lifelong members alike that we are an open and welcoming community. Please pick up your name tags along the wall in the hallway as you enter from the Cherry Street parking lot, and please leave them there when you leave church. If you need a name tag for the first time or if you have misplaced yours, please contact Communications Associate Tyler Brady by visiting
Beware of Phishing & Other Scams
Please beware of any communication (email, phone calls, texts) purporting to be from members of our clergy, staff, or someone communicating on our behalf. No member of the Grace & Holy Trinity clergy or staff will ever contact you asking you “for a favor,” such as purchasing gift cards. Scammers use these tactics and are more common than you might think. Please be cautious and use good judgment.
The Rev. Greg Bezilla Available for Appointments
The Rev. Greg Bezilla is available to meet with you by appointment. Greg can be reached at (804) 359-5628 x17 or by visiting
For more information, visit the News page.
This Sunday
8:00 AM • 10:30 AM
Recent Worship
To watch the videos from the week of April 14th, click the links below.
Last Week’s Activities & Additional Links