Posted: April 3, 2024
News for Sunday, April 7, 2024

Upcoming Events
04/08 5:30 p.m. Spirited Sisters (Mosaic Restaurant, River Road Shopping Center)
04/13 9:00 a.m. Holy Strollers (Capital Trail)
04/13 3:00 p.m. Wren Masters Baroque Quartet (Parish Hall)
04/14 9:00 a.m. Final Confirmation Retreat (Church)
04/14 1:00 p.m. Youth Mission Event (Bellevue Elementary)
04/15 4:00 p.m. Spirited Readers Book Club (RSVP for Location)
04/15 4:00 p.m. Westminster Canterbury Happy Hour (Westminster Canterbury Richmond)
04/19 5:00 p.m. Parents’ Night Out: Pentecost (Church)
04/20 9:00 a.m. Episcopal Church Women – Diocesan Meeting (St. Philip’s Episcopal Church)
04/28 10:30 a.m. Bishop’s Visitation for Confirmation, Reception, and Reaffirmation (Church)*
05/05 1:00 p.m. Sunday Funday & Children & Youth Mission Project (Church)
*One Service Only
Save The Date
05/19 Day of Pentecost
06/02 10:30 a.m. Centennial Celebration* (Church)
*One Service Only
Sunday Bulletins are posted by Friday at
New Campus Minister – Preaching Sunday, April 7
The Rev. Russ Kerr, GHTC’s new campus minister, will preach at both services on Sunday, April 7th. Please come to hear him reflect on God’s Word and to offer him a warm welcome!
Youth Mission Project at Bellevue Elementary – Sunday, April 14
On Sunday, April 14th at 1:00 p.m., youth will meet at Bellevue Elementary on Church Hill for a mission project. Lunch from Proper Pie Co. will be provided, and pick up is at 3:00 p.m. at Bellevue Elementary. For more information or to sign up, please contact Neely Dykshorn. Please note: Confirmation candidates participating in the retreat at the church that morning will be provided transportation from the church to Bellevue Elementary to participate in the project.
Parents’ Night Out – Friday, April 19
Children and parents, we invite you to join us for our next upcoming Parents’ Night Out on April 19th. Children will enjoy fun and fellowship based around the theme of Pentecost. The location for parents’ happy hour will be provided in the coming weeks. You are invited to drop off your children at the church at 5:00 p.m. and pick them up by 9:30 p.m. We hope to see you there. Please click here to register by Wednesday, April 17th. Questions? Visit our website at and select Kate Given from the drop down menu.
ECW Diocesan Spring Meeting – Saturday, April 20
The Episcopal Church Women (ECW) of the Diocese of Virginia will have their Spring Meeting on Saturday, April 20th at St. Philip’s Church (2900 Hanes Ave) in Richmond. The meeting will start at 9:00 a.m. and wrap up by 2:00 p.m. Speakers include The Rev. Canon Chanta Bhan, the Canon for Discipleship and Tyler Wallace, Outreach and Prevention Coordinator for Safe Harbor. The registration fee is $25 and the deadline to register is Friday, April 12th. Please visit the connect table to pick up a registration flyer. To learn more about ECW, visit or our website at and select Episcopal Church Women from the drop down menu.
Sunday Funday & Children & Youth Mission Project – Sunday, May 5
On Sunday, May 5th, Children and Youth are invited to participate in a Sunday Funday and mission project at the church. A game truck will be at the church, and the children and youth will take turns enjoying the game truck parked outside and helping with the mission project inside. For more information or to sign up, please contact Laura Lee.
The Wren Masters Baroque Quartet Concert
On Saturday, April 13th, GHTC will host The Wren Masters Baroque Quartet in concert beginning at 3:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall. The concert is free and will be followed by a reception.
The Wren Masters specialize in the historical performance of 17th and 18th century music on period instruments; recorder, baroque violin, viola da gamba, and harpsichord. The musicians of this baroque ensemble are current and former members of the William & Mary Music Faculty and the Governor’s Music of Colonial Williamsburg. The Wren Masters are currently Virginia Commission for the Arts touring performance artists. Originally formed in 2005, the Wrens are named after their favorite performance space, William & Mary’s Christopher Wren Chapel, circa 1693.
The Wren Masters will feature a program called “The European Union,” performing music spanning the entire Baroque era. Beginning with dazzling new inventions from early baroque composers such as Salamone Rossi and Dario Castello, the program includes string virtuosity by Jean-Marie LeClair, mature baroque music by Handel, and late baroque stylishness of the mid-1700s represented by quartets of Rameau and Telemann (“Paris” Quartet no.12) , ending with a chaconne of breathtaking loveliness.
This project was supported, in part, by the Virginia Commission for the Arts, which receives support from the Virginia General Assembly and the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency.
Listen to the Three Sopranos in Concert on SoundCloud
Listen to the Three Sopranos in Concert on the GHTC SoundCloud now. Available for free at If you need technical assistance with SoundCloud or have any questions, please contact the GHTC Communications Team.
On Saturday, January 27th, GHTC presented the Three Sopranos in Concert. Well-known and loved Richmond soprano Sarah Kate Walston, GHTC’s internationally acclaimed soprano Caroline Whisnant, and up-and-coming mezzo-soprano Abigail Stinnett sang outstandingly beautiful works together.
The program ranged from the virtuosity of Verdi to the frivolity of Bacharach. The singers were accompanied by Daniel Stipe, a virtuoso keyboard artist on both organ and piano who is regarded as one of Richmond’s most outstanding performers.
Holy Baptism, Confirmation, Reception, and Reaffirmation Preparation for Adults
Adults who wish to be baptized, confirmed, or received and those who wish to reaffirm their Baptismal Vows are encouraged to speak with a member of our clergy. Adult confirmation, reception into the Episcopal Church from another Christian denomination, and adult reaffirmation of Baptismal Vows will take place when Bishop Gayle Harris visits GHTC on Sunday, April 28th at our 10:30 a.m. service. We will present our youth candidates for confirmation on this same date and time.
Parish Life
Spirited Sisters – Monday, April 8
Spirited Sisters, a women’s group of the parish, will meet next on Monday, April 8th at 5:30 p.m. at Mosaic Restaurant in River Road Shopping Center at 6229-A River Road for lively conversation and a meal. For more information or to RSVP, please visit our website at and select Spirited Sisters from the drop down menu.
Holy Strollers – Saturday, April 13
The next Holy Strollers’ walk is on Saturday, April 13th at the Capital Trail. The group will meet at 9:00 a.m. in the church’s rear parking lot and depart shortly after. Starting at Box Brown Plaza on Dock Street, the group will head East on the Capital Trail. Along the four-mile route are great views of the Floodwall, Low Line Gardens, Great Shiplock Park, and Rockett’s Landing. You may want to layer comfortable clothes, wear walking shoes or boots, and bring water. If you are interested in attending, please visit our website at and select Holy Strollers from the drop down menu.
Spirited Readers Book Club – Monday, April 15
The Spirited Readers Bookclub extends a warm invitation to all GHTC parishioners and their friends. For April, the club will delve into the pages of “The Personal Librarian” by Marie Benedict and Victoria Christopher Murray. May brings “Tom Lake” by Ann Patchett, followed by “Lessons in Chemistry” by Bonnie Garmus in June. Meetings are held on the third Monday of each month at 4:00 p.m., hosted in members’ homes. If you are interested in joining the Spirited Readers Book Club, please visit our website at and select Spirited Readers Book Club from the drop down menu.
Westminster Canterbury Happy Hour – Monday, April 15
We invite parishioners of a certain age to join us at Westminster Canterbury on Monday, April 15th at 4:00 p.m. for drinks and conversation with the parish clergy. If you would like to attend, please sign up at the round table outside the church doors or call the church office. Questions? Visit our website at and select Lauren Frazier from the drop down menu.
GHTC Scholarship Grant Applications Open
Through the Grace and Holy Trinity Endowment Fund, GHTC provides need-based scholarships to active members of the Parish. The funds are administered through the Scholarship Committee chaired by Billy McGuire. To learn more about applying for a scholarship, visit our website at and select Scholarship Committee from the drop down menu.
Sacramental Citizenship – Friday, April 12
From April 12th through 14th, The Rev. Cate Anthony of St. Stephen’s Church is hosting Sacramental Citizenship, a retreat designed for those seeking to engage faithfully in the 2024 election year. Using the baptismal covenant as the framework, retreatants will consider Christian citizenship from theological, ethical, and experiential perspectives. As we engage thoughtfully with hot-button issues, participants will be challenged to begin building their own faith-informed moral framework for engaging in politics at local and national levels. To learn more or register for the Sacramental Citizenship Retreat, please visit St. Stephen’s website at
Red Door Ministry Closed – Friday, April 5
Due to office closures, the Red Door Ministry will be on pause next Friday, April 5th, and will resume on Friday, April 12th according to its usual schedule.
Other Communications
Beware of Phishing & Other Scams
Please beware of any communication (email, phone calls, texts) purporting to be from members of our clergy, staff, or someone communicating on our behalf. No member of the Grace & Holy Trinity clergy or staff will ever contact you asking you “for a favor,” such as purchasing gift cards. Scammers use these tactics and are more common than you might think. Please be cautious and use good judgment.
Please Wear Your Name Tags
This is a gentle reminder to please wear your name tags when you come to church. Grace & Holy Trinity is fortunate to have visitors and new parishioners joining us each week. Wearing your nametag is an important part of our hospitality to all and a visible reminder to newcomers and lifelong members alike that we are an open and welcoming community. Please pick up your name tags along the wall in the hallway as you enter from the Cherry Street parking lot, and please leave them there when you leave church. If you need a name tag for the first time or if you have misplaced yours, please contact Communications Associate Tyler Brady at
For more information, visit the News page.
This Sunday
8:00 AM • 10:30 AM
Recent Worship
To watch the videos from the week of March 31st, click the links below.
Last Week’s Activities & Additional Links