Ministry Groups at GHTC

GHTC’s ministry groups and their leaders are listed here for your consideration.

Please click the “Full Calendar” button at the bottom for the upcoming times and locations of all of our Parish Life events and special services.

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Serving God in his church starts young. The acolyte program is an excellent way to serve the church, and to learn responsibility and discipline. Age-appropriate duties may include giving alms basins to ushers, helping the priest to set the communion table, marking pews at communion, and as able, to lead processions carrying a cross. Younger children can start as junior acolytes carrying a torch or banner. Young people are trained before being scheduled to serve. How often an acolyte serves depends on the individual’s or family’s schedules, and regular participation is encouraged. If your child would like to serve as an acolyte, please call Dan McNamara at (804) 754-7319 or visit and select the ministry from the contact form’s drop-down menu.

Altar Guild

The Altar Guild prepares the church for each service, including special services such as baptisms, weddings, and funerals. The members set the altar for communion, mark the lessons, and arrange flowers. They also maintain the pristine condition of the linens. Currently, the Altar Guild has about twenty members who serve on five active teams. The schedule is rotated yearly to make sure that each team gains experience with different types of services and celebrations. Catherine Perrin is the Guild member who is in charge of the flower arrangements. This ministry is led by Jean Jumet; call her at (804) 938-5600 or visit and select the ministry from the contact form’s drop-down menu.

Belize Mission Team

GHTC’s Belize Mission Team gathers, trains, and supports members of our faith community as they work together in spiritual mission in Belize. The work we have done there has included dental care and vision screening for children, service projects in the community, and an annual summer camp for children from age five to twelve. We welcome parishioners of all ages and skill levels.Opportunities are available for parishioners of all skill levels and ages, including families. Please contact Mary Cay Kollmansperger at (804) 240-6096 or visit and select the ministry from the contact form’s drop-down menu.

Campus Ministry (The Pace Center)

The Pace Center is an inclusive, multicultural, interfaith VCU student center at VCU. Pace is a place where students feel their unique stories and gifts are valued. As a queer-affirming campus ministry, we believe all are created to live in relationships with one another, not in isolation. Pace and Grace & Holy Trinity Church share a covenant partnership. Contact Campus Minister & Pace Center Student Engagement Coordinator, the Rev. Russ Kerr at (804) 658-4064 or visit

Caroling in Monroe Park & Holiday Market

Caroling in Monroe Park continues to expand this year with new musicians and more vendors as part of a holiday marketplace. If you make crafts or merchandise and/or would like to participate as a vendor in the market or volunteer in the event, please contact Meredith McGuire by visiting and selecting the ministry from the contact form’s drop-down menu.

Chalice Bearers

According to the Episcopal Diocese of Virginia, “A Eucharistic Minister is a lay person authorized to administer the consecrated elements at a celebration of Holy Eucharist when an adequate number of clergy is not present. A Eucharistic Minister acts under the direction of a Deacon, or under the Member of the Clergy who oversees the congregation or community of faith.” They are a “Confirmed communicant in good standing, Faithful in worship and in stewardship,” and “Mature in faith.” If you are interested in becoming a chalice bearer, please contact Mike MacDowell at (571) 512-8587 or visit and select the ministry from the contact form’s drop-down menu.

Children’s Choir

The Children’s Choir is directed by Abigail Stinnett (Abbey). Under her leadership, and with the able assistance of Stanley Baker, children have the opportunity to develop singing skills, grow in fellowship and community, and participate in worship. We invite children in pre-K through 4th grade to join the Children’s Choir. The Children’s Choir rehearsals are held every Sunday from 9:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Parents of interested children, please contact Children’s Choir Director Abbey Stinnett by visiting and selecting Abbey from the contact form’s drop-down menu.

Children’s Formation

The significant staffing transitions at Grace & Holy Trinity have created a natural opportunity for intentional focus on the children’s and youth ministries. Contact Terry Hathaway at (804) 350-7580 or visit and select the ministry from the contact form’s drop-down menu.

Christmas Ministry

The Christmas Ministry provides Christmas gifts and clothing for 25-35 students in need at a local elementary school. Parishioners sponsor each student by providing clothing and gifts. Other parishioners make monetary donations which are used to buy gift cards for the student families and teachers. We are seeking volunteers to assist in organizing sponsors and delivering gifts. Contact Nancy Smith at (804) 339-8030 or visit and select the ministry from the contact form’s drop-down menu.

Circles RVA
Circles RVA fills an unmet need in Richmond by partnering with families on the fence between surviving and thriving economically. We do this by recruiting volunteer Allies, who serve as intentional friends to walk with Leaders, the people who have joined Circles to move themselves and their families out of poverty. Volunteers also help with providing meals at the weekly gatherings on Tuesday evenings. 

In-kind donations for water, paper goods, and plastic ware are also welcome. Leaders are also supported by volunteer Resource Teams that help with jobs and education, connecting them to community services, and addressing systemic barriers at Circles Big View Night. 

With your help, whether once a week or once a month, Circles RVA empowers families to break the cycle of generational poverty and move permanently toward economic stability. Contact Glenn Moore at (804) 835-5029 or visit and select the ministry from the contact form’s drop-down menu.


Confirmation is the rite in which we express a mature commitment to Christ, and receive strength from the Holy Spirit through prayer and the laying on of hands by a bishop. Through attending at least four of eight offered full day retreats and service opportunities, confirmands will wrestle to answer four essential questions: What is Confirmation? What is Christianity? What does it mean to be Episcopalian? What does it mean to be a part of GHTC?  The cycle of four retreats is each year and participants are expected to attend one of each retreat in that two year cycle. The bishop will visit GHTC in the spring of 2026 to confirm. If you are interested, please reach out to Billy McGuire by visiting and selecting the ministry from the contact form’s drop-down menu.

Concert Series

Our music ministry reaches out beyond our regular worship with musical offerings throughout the year. There are receptions in the Parish Hall after some of the concerts. We need people on the Music Ministry Team to help plan receptions when they are offered. We are also looking for volunteers to assist with music publicity. These are excellent opportunities to support the concert series with a relatively modest commitment of time. Please reach out to Dr. Elizabeth Melcher Davis at (804) 359-5628, ext. 18 or visit and select Beth from the contact form’s drop-down menu.

Cookie Ministry

The cookie ministry volunteers provide the cookies, donuts, cake, brownies, fruit, etc. for the coffee hour following the 10:30 a.m. service on Sundays. Ministry members are given an option of dates, then the members decide which date(s) they can help out. If you are interested, please reach out to Cary Henderson by visiting and selecting the ministry from the contact form’s drop-down menu.

Episcopal Church Women

The purpose of the National Episcopal Church Women (ECW) shall be to empower the women of The Episcopal Church to carry out Christ’s work throughout the world. If you would like to participate in GHTC’s chapter of ECW please email Jodie Pully by visiting and selecting the ministry from the contact form’s drop-down menu.

Foyer Groups

These are informal gatherings for brunch, lunch, or dinner, either potluck or in a restaurant. These are opportunities to enjoy good conversations and excellent meals, and hope you will join us. Your contact people are Maurice and Debra Cole, (804) 440-092, or visit and select the ministry from the contact form’s drop-down menu.

Greater Richmond Children’s Choir

The Greater Richmond Children’s Choir (GRCC) is dedicated to bringing together boys and girls from diverse backgrounds to experience the joy of singing and to gain a life-long love for good music through age-appropriate vocal training. The GRCC strives to nurture the unique gift each child brings, to encourage all to reach for excellence, and ultimately, to create responsible and compassionate citizens of the world. Veteran GRCC director Crystal Jonkman was named Artistic Director in 2017 after Founding Artistic Director Hope Armstrong Erb was named Artistic Director Emeritus. The 2024-2025 season will be our 28th! GRCC includes choristers, ages 8-18 in ensembles representing many different schools in the city of Richmond and the surrounding counties.


The Sunday Greeter’s Ministry welcomes everyone to church before the later service, both parishioners and parishioners-to-be. We are welcoming and warm to all, affirming the friendliness of this parish, and offering newcomers an opportunity to be included in the church’s email list. Most volunteers serve once a month. To volunteer, or to get more information, please call Lisa Dawson at (804) 350-1950 or visit and select the ministry from the contact form’s drop-down menu.

Holy Strollers

The intrepid Susan Hankins organizes and leads comfortable, companionable excursions on foot to explore parts of the city that are historic, inspiring, beautiful, or all three! Keep an eye out for the plans in the regular parish communications. Susan Hankins invites you to call, text, or email if you have questions at (804) 938-8440 or visit and select the ministry from the contact form’s drop-down menu.

Hospitality Committee

The Hospitality Team organizes the receptions celebrating the parish’s activities, including the Christmas festivities.  Volunteers are on hand for each event, and take on the requirements of the plan, including organizing beverages, baking, preparing savory hors d’oeuvres, and whatever else is on the menu. Then they handle serving as necessary, and cleaning up. Call Karin Walker at (804) 539-4800 or co-chair Sandie Hale at (804) 512-7806, or visit and select the ministry from the contact form’s drop-down menu to add your entertaining skills to the group.

Lectionary Group

Why was Saint Paul talking in the Epistle about eating or abstaining from meat? In a ten-minute sermon, the preacher can’t delve into every Bible reading. If these texts pique your interest, consider coming to Lectionary Group every Sunday between 9:30 a.m. and 10:15 a.m. in the library. For more information contact the Rev. Jack Sutor at (804) 994-4809 or visit and select the ministry from the contact form’s drop-down menu.

Lectio Divina

This Wednesday night group has been meeting by Zoom over the past few years from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. to discuss the upcoming gospel for the following Sunday. Each session lasts 6-8 weeks. For more information, please contact Beth McClelland at (804) 304-8823 or Mary Ann Blankenship at (804) 334-8922 or visit and select the ministry from the contact form’s drop-down menu.


Lectors come to the lectern to read the lessons designated for every service. If you love these texts, are able to read with understanding and humility, and can commit to reviewing your readings ahead of time, please consider serving in this meaningful way. If you aren’t sure, we’re happy to provide a little coaching. We’ll also connect you to internet sites that will teach you how to pronounce things that are not decipherable out loud. To investigate the 8:00 a.m. roster’s process, contact Andrew Peacock at (804) 320-2318, for information about the 10:30 a.m. group’s routine, call Ann Gray at (804) 254-2779, or visit and select the ministry from the contact form’s drop-down menu.

Men’s Group

The Men’s Group offers the opportunity for men in the Parish to get together once a month on Saturday mornings at a local coffee shop for casual conversation and fellowship. Members of the group introduce topics for discussion related to local, national, and international interests. The Men’s Group has become a great opportunity to get to know other church members in an informal setting. Contact Chuck Bleick at (804) 363-7181 or visit and select the ministry from the contact form’s drop-down menu.

Music Publicity

We are looking for volunteers to assist with music publicity for concerts. This is a wonderful way to support the concert series. Interested in volunteering? Please contact Dr. Elizabeth Melcher Davis at (804) 359-5628, x18, or visit and select Beth from the contact form’s drop-down menu.

Parish Choir

Everyone is welcome to join the Parish Choir from youth in high school to any age. The choir rehearses on Thursday evenings during the program year from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. The Parish Choir sings for the Sunday worship services at 10:30 a.m. and for Choral Evensongs, Christmas Lessons and Carols, and other special worship services. They are a welcoming and caring community of faith that shares its musical gifts to the glory of God. The Parish Choir is directed by Dr. Elizabeth (Beth) Melcher Davis, Choirmaster & Organist, and accompanied by Stanley Baker, Assistant Choirmaster & Organist. To talk with Beth, please call (804) 359-5628. ext. 18 or visit and select Beth from the contact form’s drop-down menu.


An audio archive project for GHTC will begin soon. Recordings of stories, experiences, and more will be available for listening and the podcast ministry will need your help to record them. If you would like to participate or have more questions, please email Mason New by visiting and selecting the ministry from the contact form’s drop-down menu.

Red Door Ministry
The Red Door Ministry is always thinking of ways the church can help the guests we feed at lunchtime every Friday. The clothing closet continues to collect socks, men’s underwear in medium to extra large sizes, jeans, toiletries, and plastic grocery bags.

Later this fall, there will be a coat drive, including gloves, hats, and scarves. We welcome your donations of used clothing that is clean and in good repair, understanding that the people we serve should be dressed in clothes they can feel proud to wear. If you are interested, please call or text
Molly Howle at (804) 285-3870, or visit and select the ministry from the contact form’s drop-down menu.

St. Andrew’s School
St. Andrew’s School is a tuition-free school focused on the whole child. It was founded almost 130 years ago to give Oregon Hill neighborhood children access to high-quality education. To date, hundreds of students have gone through whole child programming, which nurtures intellectual, creative, moral, and spiritual growth, preparing students for success in school and in life. 

Currently, they are seeking volunteers to serve as lunch buddies, kitchen assistants, classroom assistants, office assistants, and tutors. Each of these opportunities requires that volunteers are at least 18 years old and must submit a background check. If you’re interested in volunteering with St. Andrew’s School, please contact Shelley Thompson by visiting

Shining Examples

The Shining Examples polish brass every Thursday morning from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. The brass contributes so much to the beauty of the church, and we have a good time chatting while we work. Stop by our table and pick up a list of what we polish. We think you will be surprised and will want to help! Call Dougie Erikson at (804) 200-1433 or visit and select the ministry from the contact form’s drop-down menu.

Spirited Readers Book Club

At four o’clock on the third Monday afternoon of each month the members of the Spirited Readers Book Club arrives at the appointed home with copies of a novel – or a biography, perhaps a mystery, or maybe a current volume of non-fiction. In any case, the discussion is lively and thoughtful, the snacks are tasty but not elaborate, and everybody nominates future reading suggestions and gives input. Come join us – it’s a great time. For more information or to let us know you are coming, please contact Mary Ann Blankenship at (804) 334-8922 or visit and select the ministry from the contact form’s drop-down menu.

Spirited Sisters

The Spirited Sisters are a group of the women of the parish and their friends who meet once a month for dinner, drinks, and good conversation. We usually meet at a local restaurant, and enjoy each other’s company for about two hours. If you’d like to come for supper, please contact Cathy Saunders at (804) 304-3929 or visit and select the ministry from the contact form’s drop-down menu.

Sunday Morning Breakfast Crew

Although Sunday breakfast is currently on hiatus, this vital ministry of the parish has plans in the works to continue serving Sunday morning breakfast that nourishes parishioners for spiritual journey. We cook and serve an old-school, high calorie meal usually consisting of eggs, biscuits, bacon, sausage, apples, grits, and potatoes most Sundays between Labor and Memorial Days, gathering at 7:30 a.m. (for the cooks) in order to serve from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Call
Dave Hetherington with questions at (804) 677-8900 or visit and select the ministry from the contact form’s drop-down menu.

Youth Formation

The significant staffing transitions at Grace & Holy Trinity have created a natural opportunity for intentional focus on the children’s and youth ministries. Contact Terry Hathaway at (804) 350-7580 or visit and select the ministry from the contact form’s drop-down menu.

Youth Instrumental Ensemble

The Music Ministry Team invites youth in 4th-12th grades to sign up for the Youth Instrumental Ensemble (YIE). Strings, brass, woodwinds, singers, piano, and guitar players are all welcome. We hope to have several opportunities for our young musicians to perform throughout the year. October 27th is Children & Youth Sunday and we plan to have the group present a musical number at that service. Rehearsals follow the 10:30 a.m. worship service and typically take place around the piano near the baptismal font. If interested, please contact Stan Baker, Assistant Choirmaster & Organist, at (804) 359-5628, ext. 21, or visit and select Stan from the contact form’s drop-down menu.

Youth Service Project

Engaging youth in service projects throughout the Community. If you are interested, please reach out to Billy McGuire by visiting and selecting the ministry from the contact form’s drop-down menu.

Youth Sunday Funday

Fellowship for middle school and high school students is organized by Youth Sunday Funday ministry, at locations such as SkyZone or Triangle Rock Club. Drop off, pick up, and meals will all be planned for. Friends are welcome, too! Please text Laura Lee at (850) 266-3996 or visit and select the ministry from the contact form’s drop-down menu to RSVP, volunteer, or chaperone.


Ushers warmly welcome congregants at the door of the nave for the 10:30 a.m. service and hand them bulletins. We keep track of the total number of congregants at each service for the church’s attendance records, and for those who are preparing communion. During the service, we collect offerings from the congregation and deposit them in the church’s safe. We try to have four ushers each Sunday, and we fill the spots for the upcoming month by emailing the pool of volunteers. We would love for you to join us and put your name on the list. The time requirement is minimal, but the reward is great. Call Kathy Wommack at (804) 399-6289 or visit and select the ministry from the contact form’s drop-down menu for more information.