Posted: Updated Nov 4, 2020
Groups Form to Stay in Touch
Several parishioners have volunteered to organize and lead small groups who will gather virtually about once a week for six weeks. If you would like to join a group, contact the leader listed below SOON.
Donna Campbell at 804-389-0477 will lead a group that shares short, weekly devotions and informal conversation with a focus on positivity.
Chase Peak at 804-400-9866 will facilitate a six session personality study. Faith-based, the I Said This, You Heard That series will change every conflict and conversation you have – for good. You’ll need to buy a workbook which includes a 40-question assessment, discussion questions, exercises and reading to complement the six sessions of teaching videos on the I Said This, You Heard That app. Learn how your words have the power to shape other people’s lives.
Kathleen Thomas at 804-338-5096 will explore modern and classical Christian themes in art, music, poetry and literature. Guest speakers may help jump start the conversation.