
Outreach Grant Application 2024-2025

Outreach Funding Request Program
Grace and Holy Trinity Episcopal Church is accepting applications from individuals and community organizations to support outreach projects. The Outreach Grant Program provides financial support to non-profit organizations that promote Christian beliefs and principles through their services or programs. It is the commitment of GHTC to reach out to the world with God’s spirit of love, help, and hope. Please scroll down to view the application form.

The 2024-25 deadline for consideration of grant support is Friday, November 1, 2024. If your funding request is time sensitive and falls after this date, special consideration will be given. Grace and Holy Trinity Church may consider reopening the grant application process for a specific window of time within the fiscal year if there are grant funds remaining in the annual budget. Organizations may apply for funding every 12 months.

The following guidelines have been established to assist your organization in presenting a grant request in a manner consistent with our review and decision-making process. The Outreach Grant program supports initiatives in our community involving members of the GHTC congregation that promote the church’s faith and provide services such as education, literacy, social justice, health care, and economic development. Funding is made only to organizations that are exempt from federal taxation pursuant to Section 501c(3) and are not classified as private foundations. Funding is primarily awarded to Greater Richmond area programs, projects and services. Grant awards are for specific projects and range from $500 to $5,000. Specific projects are intended to fund one-time requests for specific project support of the organization. Support may include community activities, program development, curriculum development, equipment, and other targeted projects. 

Follow-up Reports
Organizations receiving funding will be required to provide a follow up report. Reports will include the following:

  • A recap of the project’s implementation, how grant funds were allocated, and an assessment as to whether the project achieved the goals described in the request.
  • Measures of success, such as event attendance, community impact, physical improvements completed, or other descriptions of how the grant funds were used.
  • Next steps
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