

In The Episcopal Church, the sacraments are available to all, including those who identify as LGBTQIA+.

Baptism FormWedding Information

Upcoming Baptism Opportunities

Easter Vigil
Saturday, April 19, 2025 | 7:00 p.m.



Sunday, June 8, 2025 | 10:30 a.m.



Summer Offering
August/September 2025



Learn more about the sacraments of the Episcopal church and the traditions at GHTC.


In the tradition of the Episcopal Church, baptism is full initiation by water and the Holy Spirit, into the Christian faith and life. People often ask about the cost of baptism. It’s both free and priceless. Baptism is also God’s free gift of love. Through baptism one becomes a member of Christ’s Body, the Church.

In The Episcopal Church, the sacraments are available to all, including those who identify as LGBTQIA+.

Baptism is not agreeing to an intellectual proposition; nor is it joining a club or social organization. It is incorporation in God’s own life. In baptism we are assured of acceptance as God’s children and are marked, claimed and made Christ’s own forever. Something so important deserves careful and deliberate preparation and commitment.

The Episcopal Church teaches that infants, children and adults may be baptized. Baptismal vows are made on behalf of infants or young children by their parents and sponsors. Older children and adults make their own promises. Because baptism is the outward and visible action that connects a person to God in a covenant relationship, it belongs in public worship, rather than private ceremony. As such, baptisms are offered in the context of the Holy Eucharist. At the service, members of the congregation renew their own baptismal vows and welcome the newly baptized into the community of faith.

The Book of Common Prayer designates certain days in the liturgical year as being especially appropriate for the celebration of Holy Baptism. These are the Easter Vigil (Saturday night before Easter Day), the Day of Pentecost, All Saints’ Day or the Sunday after All Saints’ Day, the Feast of the Baptism of our Lord (the First Sunday after the Epiphany) and the annual visit from one of our bishops.

The Great Vigil of Easter (Easter Eve) is especially recommended for adults and youth who wish to be baptized.

At each baptism, in addition to pledging support for the candidates, those who are already baptized renew their vows. You can learn more about the service of Holy Baptism on page 299 in the Book of Common Prayer.

For more information and to schedule a Baptism please fill out this form.

Holy Eucharist

Through the outward and visible signs of bread and wine, we receive the body and blood of Christ. By remembering Jesus’ life, death and resurrection through Holy Communion, our union with God and one another is strengthened, and our sins are forgiven.


Confirmation is the rite in which we express a mature commitment to Christ, and receive strength from the Holy Spirit through prayer and the laying on of hands by a bishop. Through attending at least four of eight offered full day retreats and service opportunities, confirmands will wrestle to answer four essential questions: What is Confirmation? What is Christianity? What does it mean to be Episcopalian? What does it mean to be a part of GHTC?  The cycle of four retreats is each year and participants are expected to attend one of each retreat in that two year cycle. The bishop will visit GHTC in the spring of 2026 to confirm. If you are interested, please reach out to Billy McGuire by emailing


Congratulations! If you are engaged to be married, check out our wedding guidelines and and contact the Parish Office to speak to our clergy and begin your preparation.


Planning for the end of life is an act of love that spares our families difficult decisions. The links below provide items to start the conversation about death and funeral arrangements.

Columbarium at GHTC

Christian tradition considers burial the final act of faith … a witness to one’s belief in the resurrection and everlasting life. Grace and Holy Trinity church has a columbarium for the committal of ashes (cremains). Review part one and part two of these documents if you wish to reserve space.